Thursday, October 14, 2010

Visiting a Hidden Place

I have so much to share.  I wish it didn't take so long to upload photos.  By the time the photos are loaded into my Photobucket or Facebook, my left leg and right hand go numb from all the sitting and moving the mouse around and I have to go home.  Tonight, for now, I'll show you a few of the unique images and things I came across yesterday. 

Yesterday I decided to do some exploring downtown.  I made myself a goal: discover an abandoned place and record the encounter.  I was tempted to enter the Fox Theater.  The front door was left unlocked.  I just gave it a tug and it opened!  But it didn't feel right to walk in.  Inside it was a mess of old chairs and torn up walls.  A single light was on and I almost stepped in... yet I fought the temptation.  I took a step back and looked up at the sky. 

And then I took a walk behind the old theater.

I looked up at the sky.  There were faces in the clouds.  A cold breeze tickling me.
I looked back down the alley and followed the sound of pigeon wings.

A surprizing patch of green and feathers everywhere decorated the crumbling ground.  I turned down a dark corridor...

It wasn't that cold yesterday, but entering this abandoned place between buildings, an area that was torn out to make room for the mall behind me was once Houdini's dressing room.  It was demolished in 1982, just three years before the theater closed down for good.  It is one of Stevens Point's most tragic lost historic places, but spiritually, it's still there.  I can feel it.  It's not as sad as I thought it would be.  I just recently discovered online that there is a community movement to restore the Theater.  Maybe that's why one of the front doors was open?  Maybe I should've walked in...

This is how it looks like once you walk as far as you can dare.  It's colder back here than it is in the alley.  Wind drafts?  Evidence of ghosts? 

Up ahead there are pigeons roosting, their feathers disturbed, they are flapping their wings at me quite literally angry at my presence as if they are trying to shoo me away.

Near my feet there's a cracked pigeon egg and a chicken bone?  Weird that they are sitting next to each other like that. 

This door was definitely locked.  No entering the theater from this end!  But my imagination... it was very active in this hidden place.  Yeah.  That's what this place is -- hidden not abandoned.  Just ask the pigeons.

This is the home of the pigeons.

The longer I stayed there, the more the birds flapped and cooed and then eventually flew away.

I like how the old cold stone walls felt.
I appreciate these little places.  I hug ghosts.  And scare pigeons.


  1. Looks like a place I'd love to explore.

  2. I'll have to introduce you sometime! I so want to explore more hidden and abandoned places with you!!!
