Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Funny Dream Happened While I'm Healing

While I've been gone from this blog site, an impacted wisdom tooth on the bottom right side of my jaw chipped and became infected.  I had it extracted on the 13th of April.  Yet before then I lost some very dear friendships.  Healing from both things has proved to be harrowing, but I'm managing to get better.  I think from now on this blog site will feature just a log of my dreams.  Now... back to recording this weekend's most twisted dream!

Yesterday the right side of my cheek and jaw were swelled up so much, I felt like I was turning into a hamster. Yeah. Imagine that, me a were-hamster! I couldn't sleep or rest my head very well, so I ended up spending much of the day watching reality-based medical mystery dramas while leaning my cheek on a pillow of ice. Now. Watching medical shows that feature autopsies was not really the kind of entertainment that makes me comfortable while healing from surgery! Yet, nothing else was on on a Saturday afternoon. I was feeling pretty damn miserable and worried that my swelling was a sign of further infection. I was happy, however, to re-read my take home instructions from the dentist and note that the worst of the swelling was supposed to be experienced on the third day after surgery anyway. Anxiety aside, I finally did get to sleep while watching ghost stories on Bio channel and had some very adventurous, mood-altering zombie dreams. Yeah. I dreamt of zombies! Some people may think that zombies are the stuff of nightmares, but I have a fondness for them. Sure, if I saw a reanimated dead person in real life I'd freak out like anyone else, but cinematic zombies I enjoy.

The zombies in my dreams last night were all of people I once knew. We all first started out barracaded in a hospital with a group of children. We were trying to protect the kids at all costs, but somehow a reanimated corpse that had been crushed somehow crawled its way through an air vent and infected the children while they slept. A helicopter crashed on the roof, sending the whole hospital on fire and we all tried to escape into a big white van, but the double whamy of fire and the group of zombies outside proved to be too much. One by one the children were wiped out and only the adults remained. We were forced to go back inside the burning hospital, but by the time we got back a sprinkler system kicked in and all was safe, yet very wet. I thought only one child was left. He had a little smoke inhalation, but doing well. I had not realized he was slowly turning into a zombie until one friend of mine (who ended our friendship in real life) went up to him to wipe off his face. The zombies had targeted the children for a reason and this particular outbreak of undead fever had evolved -- the younger the victims, the better and more pure the zombie infection. As my ex-friend touched the boy, his face began to melt and he cried out. Before I could warn her that she was about to be bitten, his features mutated, his mouth opened up and he sucked at her head. She yanked herself free only to have broken her own neck. As she slumped to the floor, the zombie boy was sucking at a piece of her bloody scalp. That's when my friend Nadine sprung into action and just started bludgeoning the boy into a pulp. When it proved to not kill him right away, I helped her. Together we kept at it and, horrified, realized that destroying the brain was no longer the key to killing the zombies.

There was a stringy mess coming out of where the spinal column was. I figured out that the key to destroying these new kind of zombies was to sever the spine. But the guys disagreed. Even when Nadine and I pointed out that our way of killing the zombies was most sound, they were determined to waste their bullets on exploding some heads. On our second attempt to escape from the ruined hospital and fly off the roof using a small plane, we managed to not get on the aircraft and watched the men battle it out for their lives, only to witness them lose. Eventually even Nadine could not survive. She slipped on some guts and fell off the roof. I raced downstairs and encountered Michelle who hatched a plan to escape underground. She told me that everything in the basement area was cut off years ago and that there should be no one alive or dead there. All we had to do was find the way down.

This is where the dream gets silly. We found a shaft to climb down into the basement, but on our way down, a purple-headed blob-like bodied creature that floated in the air like a giant cupcake and demented smiley face all in one, whistled at us and attempted to seduce us. It had HUGE bloated lips -- like Mick Jagger with a collagen injection if you can imagine that -- and it smacked them, making kissey noises and lude sucking gestures. There was no way to avoid the creature. It took Michelle first, trying to suck her entire body. I managed to get it off her but it took me instead and carried me back into a laboratory. As Michelle escaped, I let the creature basically "rape" me and watched her back. Once she was gone, I grabbed a piece of broken glass and stabbed at the creature but it just kept replicating itself. I woke up in mid-battle rage, my heart racing, and yelped to consciousness.

I can figure out what it all means, symbolically representing the struggles and grievances I've had over my relationship difficulties, plus my anxiety about losing any more friendships. It's not fun to be mourning the relationships I've had for so many years online while fighting an infection in my mouth and healing from surgery. The hospital, zombies, and purple-headed monster are all symbolic of what is going on in my body. I think it's a sign that my mind is telling me I'm stronger than I think I am and that not all is at a loss. Yet I still worry, as any human would, whether or not I've been a good friend. For now, the most healing thing for me is to be a little Hermit and concentrate on getting better.

A full moon in Libra is coming and I'm looking forward to its gentle, emotionally cleansing, relationship-nurturing energy.