Thursday, October 14, 2010

Just Another Witch in the Woods

I'm always at home in the woods.  And I'm always exploring myself.  I record my joy and despair.  I change as often as the seasons but also remain the same.  Yes.  I'm just another witch in the woods.  This is my sacred space every place. 

After coming out of the trees, I returned to the rest of the world and some idiot guy cried out at me from a passing car (how brave): "SAVE IT FOR HALLOWEEN!"  and I said to myself out loud: "Why for?  Halloween's everyday for me!"

I leave you with one last self portrait.  Behind me new trees are being planted and a creek is being restored to a little river.  Do the woods really need such assistance from people?  The noise of construction and thunder from the goings-and-comings of big trucks has ceased today.  I actually got to sleep in today!  But now my tummy grumbles.  Time for this witch to head back to her hearth and home!


  1. Haha, you stole my line! I'm so used to people yelling that to me. :P

  2. I remember you telling me that! And this time it happened to me. Too funny. I don't mind it at all. But I still think it's pretty cowardly whenever anyone heckles you from a passing car while you're walking on the sidewalk. It was a Thursday -- weekends start early in Point -- and the drunks must've got a jump start that afternoon.
